Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I am making Mark proud. I am ridding myself of old chi. Stream-lining my life. Making way for new junk.

I am getting rid of an old friend – the desk my father made me when I was a kid. It’s the desk that I took apart and reassembled every two times a year during my University career and a half a dozen times since then. And finally, I’m going to kiss it good-bye in favour a newer and shinier desk. One that has less storage space.
So I am exploring the depths of my old friend’s three drawers.

In my desk drawer there are:
Farm animal stickers.
A wax seal kit for the letter “L” which I purchased in England when I was sixteen and went there on a band trip.
Pictures from Hilary’s wedding (well, the ones when we were in the hair salon).
Shoe polish and lots of it.
Knitting needles.
Lots of chopsticks.
Old Christmas greeting cards.
Floppy disks.
The computer power cable I swore I’d lost two moves ago.
Yellow balloons.
A really old address book.
A really old camera.
Chemistry goggles.
Swimming goggles.
A molecular model kit.
A human anatomy dissection kit.
And my beloved Pumpkin Carving Kit!

How can a person part with such treasures!

1 comment:

Ben said...

Hee hee. Good luck with that purging Melissa. If you need help, I'm always around with my garbage bag fingers. -Mary

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