Monday, June 18, 2007

The Oldridge Cottage

A weekend at the Oldridge cottage usually involves a few shenanigans, often stemmed from ridiculous amounts of drinking. This weekend, however, with fewer people, the shenanigans seemed to evolve simply from a few creative minds, a timely trip to the dollar store, some great comfortable friendships and the initiation of a new one.

There was less poker this weekend in Muskoka. And more Settler’s of Cattan, Mastermind, Rubik’s Cube and Boggle. There was a bit of floating in Aqua-didies (inverted life jackets with legs through arm holes) with cans of beer in hand, but perhaps even more importantly, there was the introduction of the inflatable alligator and shark to the mix. Bobby Bork (the very tame chipmunk) made an appearance for the coveted peanuts. Even being squirted by a water pistol did not deter him. The water pistol and several dozen water balloons were part of the surprise ambush on the deck after dinner Saturday night (we should have known it was peculiar that Mark and Matt were being so diligent in clearing the dishes away).

Just the right amount of Sangria was consumed. The nickname of “Butler” was first coined, although no one can remember how (something to do with naming children W.B. Yeats). A naked, hairy ass became the wallpaper on aforementioned Butler’s cell phone (who checks their cell phone at the cottage anyhow?) and a tribute to Weird Al took place for the three hour car ride home.

Very productive weekend indeed.l

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