Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Lucky Wine Salesman

I was in a wine store yesterday, and I asked the salesman a question about a Riesling. From his long-winded answer, I got the impression that he liked to come across as very knowledgeable. Then he spyed Cole in the shopping cart and asked how old he was. I mentioned his age and said something about being tired. The man asked how often he wakes in the night and I told him. Then he raised his eyebrows and in his very knowledgeable tone informed me that at two to three months a baby should be sleeping six hour stretches, at least. This gentleman was very lucky I didn't do what I felt inclined to do with the bottle of Riesling on the counter between us. Instead I chuckled light-heartedly and said, "Heh. Tell HIM that." The man didn't understand. I could tell by the expression on his face that he felt he'd been helpful, perhaps even given me information that, once received, would afford me more sleep.

File this under: Things Never To Tell a New Mom.


Anonymous said...

stupid, stupid wine man.

Anonymous said...

stupid, stupid, stupid wine man

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