Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Getting all MAO on Y'all

Yesterday, Mattie-O (or MAO) exercised his democratic rights and voted in an advanced what-cha-ma-call-it (the difference between my political blogs and his is that he uses the real words). He told me he's voting Green and I kind of laughed, as if he would only do this as a "stick-it-up-yer-fannies" to the NDP and Liberal parties since we all know that Green doesn't stand a chance in hell. Then again, I've voted NDP on several occasions, probably more times than I've voted Liberal, and they rarely stand a hope in hell in my ridings.

And hasn't that always been the question: Do I vote purely or do I vote strategically? Because one vote really doesn't make a difference right now. A green party vote or an NDP party vote in a riding where Liberals will always win is a lost statement. It vanishes in importance. Until now....

With the proposed new Mixed what-cha-ma-call-it voting system, my minority votes WILL count towards a total % of seats alotted to my wee guys. And suddenly, I feel, everyone will feel their vote will be heard. And people who have always wanted to vote purely, WILL! That's exciting to me.

So I sat down in front of the computer to get informed about my parties platforms. I know for MAO this is a process of simply adding to his oceans of knowledge each and every day by perusing the newspaper and watching the news, but although I am painfully unaware of global politics, I was impressed with my own efforts. I read the Liberal and NDP platforms. I even began reading the Conservative platforms (just to say I was being fair) but couldn't get past their opening article about faith-based schools. And finally, I read the Green Party's platform. Of course I liked their ideas about Waste Management and Transportation (I expected that), but I also really liked their ideas about education. They had many very clear and specific ideas that would make this world a so much better place. They didn't beat around the bush on any issue. And unlike any of the other platforms, every idea they had made me excited! I agreed with it all!

So this year I am voting Green and I know my vote will vanish in the majority, but I am also voting in the Referendum for a Mixed thing-a-ma-bobbit in hopes that one day all those Green votes WILL count.

So at risk of sounding too political, I just ask that you consider reading the platform of this wee little party that could:


Ben said...

Just to go against all "keep who you're voting a secret" traditions, we're likely voting green this year too. What do you think... more and more people are voting green. -Mary

Matthew Oldridge said...

Well, mao took exactly the same steps you did- read the platforms. Mr. Tory has picked his hill to die on (he is a very honest man, it seems): faith based schools. Liberals, meh.

Agreed, Green is very sensible. I also have this feeling that they are going to get a lot of votes this time.

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