Sunday, March 18, 2012

Snuggle Bunny

One of the very first gifts Nana brought on a visit to see Cole when he was a baby was a big blue stuffed dog that somehow came to be known as Blue Bear.

Amelia is about to turn one and Nana said she was plagued with guilt at the idea that she hadn't bought Amelia a Blue-Bear type of plush toy.  So she went to the same company from which she'd purchased Blue Bear and she ordered a big fuzzy bunny, thinking she could just carry it on the plane on this visit to see us. The catalogue indicated the rabbit was 30 inches.

When she received the snuggly bunny in the mail, she took one look and knew she couldn't carry it on the plane with her.  She also wondered how on earth they'd figured out their 30 inch measurement.

 Blue Bear and Snuggle Bunny

 Snuggle Bunny was a big hit!


Anonymous said...

how does Cole feel about having blue bear now? is blue bear jealous?

Ben said...

How did the bunny get to Burlington? Mary

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