Monday, May 07, 2007

Marathon Virgin

This coming Sunday was to be my first full marathon race. I have been suffering from knee pain since March that has kept me from training. But I wanted to believe that the dream of the full marathon could still come to fruition. Sadly, it was the day after my birthday, when I seized up completely during a 10k run with Jen, that I knew my body needed a rest.

So I’ve been resting. I’ve been healing. I’ve been getting massages. I’ve been stretching more frequently (I wish I could say, religiously) and I even did squats for a few days. I bought a skipping rope in hopes of beginning a different, but equally challenging cardiovascular regime. That lasted all of about 17 seconds.

Then, the other day, I ran 5k without pain. Then I ran 7k without pain.
The discouraging thing is that I was more winded during that 7k race than I was during my three hour long runs in March. THAT is how quickly all the hard work disappears.
Today I received the confirmation that my registration in the Mississauga Marathon has been deferred to 2008. So Sunday will come and go and I will still be a Marathon Virgin.


Anonymous said...

We’ve all been there Melissa. In fact similar thoughts and frustrations have been echoed by just about every teenage boy as they dream and plan for their first, er... marathon. But as someone who has had my own share of knee issues and have successfully trained for and completed a couple of marathons, I can assure you that you will get there my friend. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, I'll miss you at the Start fact, I might throw up. You always keep me calm!! I'll be thinking of you when I cross the finish line (either on my own steam, or assisted by the medics..)

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