Saturday, May 05, 2007

85 days

There are 85 more days until the wedding. Anyone you ask will you tell you that Melissa is a very organized person. In truth, she only gives off that impression. Melissa had great plans! She made a very detailed break-down of the tasks she needed to complete in order to have the kind of wedding she wants, and she chunked them by month. In March, she got a lot done over the spring break. Then she took a rest. A repose, if you will. Suddenly, there are 85 more days left until the BIG DAY! And she’s been abruptly and harshly awakened from her repose. People are now giving her concerned looks and eager glances when she says she’s getting married on July 28th. They say things like “OOoooooh, THAT soon?” and “That’s only a few weeks away….” and “You must be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy….” In fact, she hasn’t been very busy – at least not with wedding things.

So Melissa had to kick it into high gear this week. Yesterday, she went to every spa and hair stylist in the Clarkson village with a clipboard and a pen. And someone informed her this week that her invitations should be sent out by now! Apparently all the websites and wedding planner books she’s been reading have deceived her. Where she thought she had a few weeks left to send the invitations, apparently people are getting antsy because there are different rules for SUMMER weddings. (Aren’t most weddings, summer weddings?) So last night she sealed about a dozen invitations before her wonderful, sweet, loving fiancé indicated that he thought they should include the Registry cards in the invitations. Melissa seemed to be under the impression they had HAD this conversation earlier and decided NOT to include the Registry cards because it’s not totally polite. However, she must be mistaken because her wonderful, sweet, loving fiancé was quite dedicated to this idea. So she ripped open the dozen invitations she’d already sealed, re-wrote the envelopes on a dozen fresh envelopes and put Registry cards in ALL the invitations (except the friend that her wonderful, sweet, loving fiancé is sure won’t be able to make it, so he thinks it WOULD be IMPOLITE to include a Registry card in THAT invitation). THEN, she sealed all the invitations. She did one last check to make sure all the people on the list had an invitation, then she sorted them into piles like “going to Hong Kong” and “NOT going to Hong Kong” etc.

She phoned her florist and discovered she had sold her shop to someone else. Melissa had a mild heart attack. Then her florist phoned her and gave her a new contact number and Melissa could breathe again.

She mailed invitations, she booked an engagement photo; she took Mark to buy rings and a suit.
Now she can almost cross off the list all the tasks she was supposed to do in March.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BREATHE ... I am buying you a cocktail tonight!

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