My brother joined about 15 ladies at my bridal shower on Saturday. He is very comfortable in his masculinity that way. Actually that’s not it. He and his girlfriend, Michelle, were off to Sudbury immediately afterwards and he’d come along in order that they not have to back track too much. So he helped himself to a plateful of spring rolls and crackers and smoked salmon and went into the basement to hide away.
During the shower, we played a survey game about me and a bit about Mark. My sister had made it up. It was multiple choice and the winner would be the lady who could guess the most correct answers. It reminded me of several things. First of all, that I used to pretend my little red wagon was a cow that I could milk. Secondly, that I was a pretty saucy little toddler who spoke about herself in the third person. Also, that everyone in the room unanimously agrees that I am an extremely overly cautious pre-planner. When all was said and done, I was astonished that the two people who got the most questions right are the two who have known me for the least amount of time: my friend Carolyn and Jay’s girlfriend Michelle.
So as I caught Jay coming up the stairs for a second helping of goodies, I said (completely out of context, as my comments often are) “Your girlfriend knows me REALLY well!” To which Jay replied, “Is this because of the glasses?” I had no idea what he meant. I examined Michelle’s face and she wasn’t wearing any eye glasses. I, on the other hand, was, but Michelle hadn’t made any comment about them recently. I brushed his comment off as Jay-doesn’t-really-GET-bridal-showers.
Then, Jay and Michelle had to leave early. So I opened their gift and saw they had bought us a set of drinking glasses. I went to give them a thank you / good-bye hug and Jay said, “Did I give it away?” I squeezed him and again had absolutely no idea what he meant.
They left. I watched them walk down the front steps to their car and I watched them get in.
Several minutes passed before I had my OH-I-SEE moment.
So then I realized Jay had probably been sure he’d given away the surprise but I had just been playing dumb and I had to explain how oblivious I am in my Thank You card to them so he wouldn’t feel bad (as well as because it's true).
Truth be told, he’ll probably read it here first.
My brother joined about 15 ladies at my bridal shower on Saturday. He is very comfortable in his masculinity that way. Actually that’s not it. He and his girlfriend, Michelle, were off to Sudbury immediately afterwards and he’d come along in order that they not have to back track too much. So he helped himself to a plateful of spring rolls and crackers and smoked salmon and went into the basement to hide away.
During the shower, we played a survey game about me and a bit about Mark. My sister had made it up. It was multiple choice and the winner would be the lady who could guess the most correct answers. It reminded me of several things. First of all, that I used to pretend my little red wagon was a cow that I could milk. Secondly, that I was a pretty saucy little toddler who spoke about herself in the third person. Also, that everyone in the room unanimously agrees that I am an extremely overly cautious pre-planner. When all was said and done, I was astonished that the two people who got the most questions right are the two who have known me for the least amount of time: my friend Carolyn and Jay’s girlfriend Michelle.
So as I caught Jay coming up the stairs for a second helping of goodies, I said (completely out of context, as my comments often are) “Your girlfriend knows me REALLY well!” To which Jay replied, “Is this because of the glasses?” I had no idea what he meant. I examined Michelle’s face and she wasn’t wearing any eye glasses. I, on the other hand, was, but Michelle hadn’t made any comment about them recently. I brushed his comment off as Jay-doesn’t-really-GET-bridal-showers.
Then, Jay and Michelle had to leave early. So I opened their gift and saw they had bought us a set of drinking glasses. I went to give them a thank you / good-bye hug and Jay said, “Did I give it away?” I squeezed him and again had absolutely no idea what he meant.
They left. I watched them walk down the front steps to their car and I watched them get in.
Several minutes passed before I had my OH-I-SEE moment.
So then I realized Jay had probably been sure he’d given away the surprise but I had just been playing dumb and I had to explain how oblivious I am in my Thank You card to them so he wouldn’t feel bad (as well as because it's true).
Truth be told, he’ll probably read it here first.
**Note: For the record, when you google the word "glasses", reading glasses pops up FIRST.**
It's nice to know that I didn't give it away. It'll also be nice to show Michelle that I didn't give it away.
can I ask why you are googling the word 'glasses'?
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