Monday, April 08, 2013

One day, Cole made his bed

I went to the gym on Sunday morning. I was gone less than 45 minutes and when I returned, Cole's room looked like a disaster zone. I said to him, "Cole, why does it look like a tornado hit your room?"

He said, "I was making a monkey playground."

The bed was empty. Everything was on the floor. A duvet. Two quilts. An enormous Bernie the St. Bernard stuffed animal. A bed pillow. Two big purple sofa pillows. And every toy in existance. The batman couch was upside down.

I walked out of the room and went to have a shower.

Just before lunch, I went upstairs to check on Cole who was yelling, "I need help!"

He was trying to fling his duvet back up onto his bed.
I looked at the scene inquisitively, "What are you trying to do?"

"I'm making my bed," he replied.

I went downstairs where Mark was preparing lunch in the kitchen.

"You'll never believe what I just saw our son doing," I said.

"What's that?" he didn't even look up. Our kids do a lot of strange things. I think he knew this would have to be really earth-shattering to get his attention.

"He's making his bed."

Mark paused and looked at me, "What? Where'd he learn that?!"

I shrugged. We were both shocked and impressed. I think deep down we wondered what other fantastic habits we'd taught our son without even meaning to. Maybe he also knew how to sort laundry and hem pants. Who knew what kind of surprises were in store for us in a universe where four-year-olds made their beds without even being asked.

We ate lunch. We tidied up. And when I took Amelia upstairs for a nap, I walked by Cole's room. And it became more clear what he had meant when he said he was making his bed.

The bedroom floor was clean. The bed was a mountain. All the blankets, quilts, pillows, Bernie the gigantic stuffed dog and even the batman couch were all heaped on the bed.

Cole giggled. He was standing next to me.
"See how I made the bed?"

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